Setting-up EA Practices

Introducing and Establishing Enterprise Architecture within an Organization


Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a critical enabler for successful transformation and strategy implementation. However, putting EA into practice can be challenging. Often, EA is not well positioned within the organization and its value is not clearly communicated to the various stakeholders. In addition, a lack of operational embedding and poor governance may undermine the effectiveness of EA. To minimize the risk of failure, the introduction of EA should be carefully planned.

Establishing EA

We provide comprehensive support in setting up a robust and demand-oriented EA capability. Our approach is based on tangible use cases and the value contribution of EA. The cornerstone of our approach is our EA Base Model, which consolidates our project experience from over 10 years. This includes numerous assets such as catalogs of typical use cases and EA services, as well as proven reference models, views, and document templates. This can significantly accelerate EA implementation and substantially reduce the risk of failure.

Establishing Business Architecture

In practice, EA functions have often evolved within IT and hence neglected the business layer. In such cases, it may be necessary to expand the EA function and/or establish a complementary business architecture function. Based on our experience, we will guide you safely through this process. Similar to Establishing EA, our approach is based on tangible use cases and the business value to be created. It leverages our comprehensive Business Architecture Framework together with numerous proven reference models, views, and document templates.

Business Capability Mapping

Capability Maps have proven to be a solid foundation for strategic planning and transformation and are one of the most important tools of any EA practice. Despite established standard approaches (such as BIZBOK®), the development and alignment of an organization-specific capability map remains a major challenge. Based on our long-standing experience, we can provide substantial support here as well. In addition to our experience, we have compiled a large repository of models (both industry-specific reference models and proven in-house developments) that can be used as a starting point and adapted to meet specific needs with minimal effort.

Architecture Principles

Architecture principles provide a simple and effective means for translating strategies into strategy-compliant architectures. However, developing and aligning architecture principles is often challenging. Difficulties may arise in understanding the corporate strategy and strategic inconsistencies may become apparent. Additionally, architecture principles typically limit the scope for decision-making, thereby leading to resistance. This is adressed by our service package Strategy to Principles. We help you to derive, formulate, align, decide on, and communicate architecture principles, as well as to create the necessary tools for compliance checks. Our service includes a proven approach, a catalog of guidelines and principles (including review criteria), and templates for architecture reviews.

Introducing an EA Tool

The success of EA depends to a large extent on the quality and suitability of the EA tool used, as it forms not only the central data base but also an important communication means. Based on our many years of experience with EA tools, we have developed a special offering for the vendor-independent and requirements-oriented selection of an EA tool. The approach seamlessly integrates into our EA introduction service and includes numerous additional assets such as a vendor list, a standardized criteria catalog, and templates for showcases and evaluations. With this, the efforts and risks associated with a tool selection can be substantially reduced.

Client References

Personal Advice

Do you have questions about our services? Please contact us. We will be happy to advise you personally.

Scape Consulting GmbH
Garden Tower
Neue Mainzer Str. 46-50
D-60311 Frankfurt / Main

T +49. 69. 24 75 29 18 1
F +49. 69. 24 75 29 18 9

Why is EA so important?

Enterprise Architecture (EA) is widely recognized as a critical capability for successfully implementing strategies and transformations, and for ensuring sustainability. But what exactly is it about? Find out here what EA is, what value it can bring, and which organizations can benefit from it.

Other Services

Advancing EA Practices

Developing or realigning an existing EA practice.

Enterprise Architecture Office

External sourcing of architecture related tasks.

Coaching & Training

Training and coaching architects and executives.

Project References

We have been successfully advising our clients on all aspects of architecture and architecture management for many years. Below, we present a selection of our client engagements in more detail. For further information on our activities, please refer to our project history.

What makes us different

As internationally recognized specialists in Business, Enterprise, and IT Architecture, we focus exclusively on architecture topics. We cover all architectural levels, from the business model to the IT landscape and down to individual domains and solutions. As long-term partners and trusted advisors, we always act in the best interest of our clients and independently of specific vendors and technologies.

True Architecture Specialists

We focus entirely on architecture topics and have proven expertise in this field.

From Business Model to Technology

We cover all architectural levels from business to technology, ensuring the necessary consistency.

Client-Centric Approach

We are committed to long-term partnerships and strictly focuse on the benefits and goals of our clients.

Vendor-Neutral and Independent

We are independent of vendors and service providers and act as trusted advisors to our clients.

Get Advice

Providing the best possible support to our customers is very important to us. Do you have any questions about our services or specific requirements? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to advise you personally and provide you with a tailored proposal.

Get in touch

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Scape Consulting GmbH
Garden Tower
Neue Mainzer Str. 46-50
D-60311 Frankfurt / Main

T +49. 69. 24 75 29 18 1
F +49. 69. 24 75 29 18 9

Personal Contact

Dr. Lutz Kirchner

Write an E-Mail

Projektreferenz BWI

Scape unterstützt den CIO-Bereich der BWI GmbH bei der Optimierung des strategischen und operativen Enterprise Architecture Managements (EAM) in einem agilen Umfeld, u. a. im Kontext der IT-Bebauungs­planung, der Erstellung von Zielarchi­tekturen, der Erhöhung und Messung der Architektur­datenqualität, des Coachings der Enterprise Architects in den agilen Teams sowie der regelmäßigen Durch­führung einer Reifegrad­bestimmung des EAM.