Application Landscape Planning
Our client, a leading reinsurance group, operates a SAP R/3 based core application landscape in the domains of technical and financial accounting. Driven by the introduction of S/4 HANA and the announced vendor support end of the R/3 platform the need for a seminal landscape renovation became evident.
The goal of our client was to establish and align an initiative for planning the required landscape renovation. To begin with, the awareness for the situation and the required transformation needed to be created within business and IT. Beyond that a first vision was to be developed for the future landscape and the required discussion processes to be triggered.
Approach and Deliverables
Due to the high degree of uncertainty regarding future requirements, drivers and contraints an agile approach to architecture development was pursued. Starting from certain hypotheses, this involved the development of "vague" and "unfinished" architecture deliverables which could be discussed with stakeholders early on and validated and refined gradually.
Initially, a large-scale series of stakeholder workshops was conducted with participants from various business and IT departments. During the workshops, the expected benefits of an S/4 HANA based future landscape were presented and discussed (e.g., Continuous Accounting, Realtime Reporting). Also, internal and external drivers and constraints as well as the resulting architecture requirements were collected and documented.
Based on the results architecture guardrails were derived, discussed and finally approved. These were used to mark out the solution space and build a solid foundation for future decision making. Beyond that the future S/4 based solutions offered by SAP and it's partners (S/4 Finance, SAP Insurance for Reinsurance, Financial Products Subledger) were analyzed in more detail.
Using these information as an input, a first target vision and long-term scenario was developed and gradually refined after discussions with various stakeholders. Also, the main transformation steps required to move towards the target scenario were identified. Following the overall agile approach, first fields of action were identified and projects initiated to prepare and actually start the transformation.
An initiative for landscape renovation was successfully launched and guided through the initial iterations. The agile approach followed helped to create the required awareness and produce tangible results quickly. The most essential deliverables provided were Architecture Guardrails and a high-level (but concise) description of an initial future target scenario. In the following, these were used to manage and align ongoing projects and formed the starting point for a large-scale transformation program.
Project Title
Landscape Renovation SAP S/4 HANA
Enterprise Architect
2018 – 2020
Project History
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Our Services
As a leading independent specialist in Enterprise Architecture (EA), we support our clients in implementing their strategy and successfully transforming their business and IT landscapes. Our services include establishing EA practices, taking on architecture engagements, and training Business, Enterprise, and IT Architects.
Establishing EA Practices
Building Your Core Capabilities
We put you in a position to develop target pictures, guidelines, and standards for advancing your business and IT landscape, and to guide projects accordingly. Together, we implement proven processes and tools.
Enterprise Architecture Office
Expanding Your Operating Range
We extend your architecture team and take over the architecture work in projects. Our experienced architects support you with critical tasks such as developing target pictures and managing complex transformations.
Coaching & Training
Developing the Necessary Skills
We coach architects and executives in critical situations. Additionally, we offer a comprehensive training program on all important topics in the areas of Business, Enterprise, and IT Architecture.
Projektreferenz BWI

Scape unterstützt den CIO-Bereich der BWI GmbH bei der Optimierung des strategischen und operativen Enterprise Architecture Managements (EAM) in einem agilen Umfeld, u. a. im Kontext der IT-Bebauungsplanung, der Erstellung von Zielarchitekturen, der Erhöhung und Messung der Architekturdatenqualität, des Coachings der Enterprise Architects in den agilen Teams sowie der regelmäßigen Durchführung einer Reifegradbestimmung des EAM.