Application Landscape Planning Speciality Insurance

How our client was enabled to initiate a sustainable transformation towards modernization, standardization and compliance by a structured planning of the target application landscape.

Core Landscape Renovation

How our client was enabled to successfully launch an initiative to renovate it's SAP based core landscape towards SAP S/4 HANA using an agile approach to architecture development.

EA Capability Setup IT Provider German Federal Administration

How setting up an Enterprise Architecture (EA) capability enabled an IT service provider of the German federal administration to approach IT landscape consolidation and manage service provision more effectively.

IT Target Picture and Roadmap Development

How our client was supported in developing an overall IT target picture and roadmap for the first time as part of the strategy renewal process and driven by increased regulatory requirements.

Introduction of a KPI-Based Complexity Management

How our client was enabled to measure, monitor and manage the complexity of it's IT landscape in order to improve the sustainability, efficiency and quality of IT service provision.

Post-Merger Insurance
Core Application

How our client succeeded in introducing an integrated core insurance solution and modernizing it's application landscape following a merger of two of it's subsidiaries.

Scaled Agile Architecture Governance Framework Development

How the transition of our client towards an agile organization was supported and safeguarded by means of a complementary governance framework for architectural decision making.

Your Landscape in Shape

Our Services

As a leading independent specialist in Enterprise Architecture (EA), we support our clients in implementing their strategy and successfully transforming their business and IT landscapes. Our services include establishing EA practices, taking on architecture engagements, and training Business, Enterprise, and IT Architects.

Establishing EA Practices

Building Your Core Capabilities

We put you in a position to develop target pictures, guidelines, and standards for advancing your business and IT landscape, and to guide pro­jects accordingly. Together, we imple­ment proven processes and tools.

Enterprise Architecture Office

Expanding Your Operating Range

We extend your architecture team and take over the architecture work in projects. Our experienced architects support you with critical tasks such as developing target pictures and managing complex transformations.

Coaching & Training

Developing the Necessary Skills

We coach architects and executives in critical situations. Additionally, we offer a comprehensive training program on all important topics in the areas of Business, Enterprise, and IT Architecture.

Our Clients

Numerous organizations have trusted us for years with important architecture matters. Our clients range from listed corporations to medium-sized businesses and federal government agencies. In total, our client base comprises over 65 organizations from sectors such as retail, media, banking, insurance, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, mechanical engineering, tourism, energy, and public administration.

What makes us different

As internationally recognized specialists in Business, Enterprise, and IT Architecture, we focus exclusively on architecture topics. We cover all architectural levels, from the business model to the IT landscape and down to individual domains and solutions. As long-term partners and trusted advisors, we always act in the best interest of our clients and independently of specific vendors and technologies.

True Architecture Specialists

We focus entirely on architecture topics and have proven expertise in this field.

From Business Model to Technology

We cover all architectural levels from business to technology, ensuring the necessary consistency.

Client-Centric Approach

We are committed to long-term partnerships and strictly focuse on the benefits and goals of our clients.

Vendor-Neutral and Independent

We are independent of vendors and service providers and act as trusted advisors to our clients.

Project References

We have been successfully advising our clients on all aspects of architecture and architecture management for many years. Below, we present a selection of our client engagements in more detail. For further information on our activities, please refer to our project history.

Get Advice

Providing the best possible support to our customers is very important to us. Do you have any questions about our services or specific requirements? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to advise you personally and provide you with a tailored proposal.

Get in touch

Please leave us your contact details. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

The data you provide will be used to respond to your request and to process the contract in case a contract is closed. You will receive information on the processing of your personal data by e-mail after submitting your request. Further information regarding our website can be found in our Privacy Policy.


Scape Consulting GmbH
Garden Tower
Neue Mainzer Str. 46-50
D-60311 Frankfurt / Main

T +49. 69. 24 75 29 18 1
F +49. 69. 24 75 29 18 9

Personal Contact

Dr. Lutz Kirchner

Write an E-Mail

Projektreferenz BWI

Scape unterstützt den CIO-Bereich der BWI GmbH bei der Optimierung des strategischen und operativen Enterprise Architecture Managements (EAM) in einem agilen Umfeld, u. a. im Kontext der IT-Bebauungs­planung, der Erstellung von Zielarchi­tekturen, der Erhöhung und Messung der Architektur­datenqualität, des Coachings der Enterprise Architects in den agilen Teams sowie der regelmäßigen Durch­führung einer Reifegrad­bestimmung des EAM.